S. Flor
Essentials of the Dual Economy
When the old style
market economy collapsed in the Great Crisis of the year 2004, a number
of initiatives mushroomed on the local level. For some it might have come
as a surprise, but with the economic recovery these entities did not vanish
but ultimately proved to be an important counterpart of the world market
system. The consolidation of the provisional post-crisis institutions in
2009 contributed to this upturn; in that year the various administrative
arrangements became harmonized. The most important rules fixed in 2009
are still in force and are recapitulated in the following:
Anyone is entitled
to participate at the local market of his/her residence. There are no economic
relations between the local markets. They are closed units with limitations,
both, in respects of their geographical size and the number of their participants.
The administration
of the local markets organizes payment transactions and the financing of
investments. Other tasks of these centres comprise, for instance, the promotion
of technology transfers and the provision professional training. The board
members in charge of these operations are democratically elected by the
Payment is performed
not in ordinary currency but in units of account. The seller acquires a
credit, the buyer incurs a debit. The balance of all transactions is drawn
at the end of the year and a surplus or a deficit becomes payable in ordinary
currency. A deficit is increased by value added tax which is levied
here as in any ordinary global market transaction. Buying on the local
market makes therefore only sense for a consumer if he/she is willing and
capable to sell products at the same level. To generate profits on these
markets is also not possible: a surplus is not only subject to income tax
but also to a local levy. Only in as far as expenditure and income is balanced
over the year for a participant the local markets are separate from the
world wide economic system. This autonomous character is secured by the
impossibility to exchange local accounting units against ordinary currency
or accounting units of other local markets. They are non-convertible!
To settle balances
at the end of the year means that no savings are generated to finance the
investments necessary for local production. Although local markets typically
mediate labour-intensively produced goods and services, this production
also requires high-tech assets which are only provided in the traditional
market and have to be financed in ordinary currency. For this purpose financial
funds have been set up which are endowed from the value-added-tax income.
Of course, there
have been profound modifications over the past two decades. The improvement
of digital cash via local intranets has simplified administrative procedures.
The traditional economy experienced a recovery also due to the new kind
of demand for investment goods on the local level. Economic prosperity
made it possible to establish moderate forms of welfare state functions
also to the benefit of the local markets: social care services are paid
in local money which provided an additional impetus to the economies in
various regions. Worth mentioning in this context is the recent introduction
of a Guaranteed Minimum Income.